Australian and New Zealand

College of Veterinary Scientists

ANZCVS Veterinary Behaviour Chapter - Upcoming Webinar Registration

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Veterinary Behaviour Chapter Webinar

Treatment of Acute-phase and Acute Anxiety - Using dogs as the model

Presented by Dr Karen Overall

Ideally, psychopharmacological treatment should be addressing the known or hypothesized underlying mechanism causing the pathology and/or dysfunction. Medications are seldom chosen that way, and too often we forget that patterns of behaviour within the diagnosis may suggest some mechanistic heterogeneity and treatment opportunities.

Patients all express their own variations of diagnostic pathology, and redress of individual variation has a role in treatment. Additionally, no behavioural pathology appears de novo as fully developed and no event of the pathology's expression is all or nothing. Within both of those types of variability are treatment opportunities that are often overlooked.

This talk will focus on the treatment of acute phase and acute anxiety based and which medications may be excellent first medications to try.

Price: $ 51.50
Note: Price listed includes AU$50.00 per webinar + 3% PayPal Card Transaction fee.

If you are a Resident, please contact for the discount code.

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Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa

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