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Australian and New Zealand
College of Veterinary Scientists
Leave of Absence application
Fellowship candidates may take voluntary period(s) of leave of absence for a maximum of twelve (12) cumulative months per training program, subject to approval of the ACE-TC.
The maximum period of leave of absence of twelve cumulative months may be varied in extenuating circumstances on approval by the ACE-TC.
Fellowship Subject
Please select the Fellowship subject you are enrolled in.
Animal Welfare Science Ethics and Law
Avian Medicine and Surgery
Dairy Cattle
Equine Medicine
Equine Surgery
Feline Medicine
Small Animal Medicine
Small Animal Surgery
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Critical Care
Veterinary Behavioural Medicine
Veterinary Dermatology
Veterinary Emergency Medicine and Critical Care
Veterinary Epidemiology
Veterinary Oncology
Veterinary Ophthalmology
Veterinary Radiology
If your subject is not listed in the drop-down menu, please contact the Examinations team at
Date from:
Please select the first day your leave commences.
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Date to:
Please select the last day of your leave.
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Reason for leave:
Will your contact details change while you are away? If yes, please provide the contact details and we will update your record should we need to contact you.
Please let us know when you return.
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Contact number: