Australian and New Zealand

College of Veterinary Scientists

Examiners Confidentiality Agreement

Examiner Name(Required)
I agree to act as a(Required)
for the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in

Permission and Declarations

Permission to provide name and email
In the course of preparing and sitting for examinations, requests from members or candidates of the college may receive your contact details (this is not a mailing list)
Examiner Handbook, Examination guidelines, policies and procedures(Required)


  1. The Examiner agrees that he/she:
    1. will submit all components of the examination by end of February each year*
    2. *The College may not proceed with the examination if all components are not received at the College office by this date.

    3. will be involved in the secure and confidential development, delivery and assessment of the examination and that during these processes sensitive information will be produced (Examination Information)
    4. will be examining candidates and that during such examinations, candidates will disclose confidential personal information, as that term is defined in the Privacy Act 1988 – Cth (Candidate Information) which includes examination responses
    5. will use the Examination Information and Candidate Information for the purpose of assessing the candidate in direct connection with the examination only (Permitted Purpose)
    6. will not discuss the examination with anyone, except the following people, where necessary:
      1. Subject examiners
      2. Observer of the Oral and Practical
      3. Members of the Board of Examiners
      4. Members of College Council
      5. College management staff and
      6. Persons nominated by Council in the event of an appeal
    7. will not discuss examinations, or examination results, in any public areas especially during the College exam and science week
    8. will not communicate with candidates or supervisors/mentors about the examination, unless it is with the written permission of the Chief Examiner and through the College office.
    9. will not discuss examination results with candidates or supervisors/mentors under any circumstances
    10. will report any attempts by candidates or supervisors/mentors to contact him/her about an examination or examination results.
  1. By entering into this agreement the Examiner agrees:
    1. to grant the College a royalty free and non-exclusive licence to use the examination created by the Examiner for any purpose consistent with the objects set out in the Constitution of the ANZCVS. The licence includes both hard-copy reproduction and digital reproduction, within Australia or anywhere else in the world
    2. that the ANZCVS may edit examinations so that they are consistent with the requirements of the Examiner Handbook, relevant Subject Guidelines and the College’s Policies and Procedures
    3. when submitting an examination to the ANZCVS, to identify any third party copyright material used within the written examination, including where the material was sourced from
    4. Examiner benefits may be withheld from examiners who do not meet specific examination deadlines.
  1. In consideration for the Examiner complying with clause 2, the ANZCVS will indemnify Examiners against any claims, demands, losses, damages and costs incurred by the Examiner from any legal action for breach of copyright arising from the creation of an examination for use by the ANZCVS.
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